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Daily Crossword Puzzle #6 for Fri, May 26, 2023

1. Common sense
5. Carryall
9. Viper
12. A person who is older than you are
14. Grows older
15. Egg _ yung
16. Schedule
17. Monthly bill
18. Teat (slang)
19. Actor Linden
20. Slept
23. Snakelike fish
24. Not ill
25. Engineer (abbr.)
27. Drop; flow; fall
30. Baking dish
32. Heredity factor (abbr.)
33. Scram!
34. Portico
36. Begley and Asner
38. "___ Little Indians"
39. Curvy letter
40. Indiana (abbr.)
43. Girls' org. (abbr.)
46. Arranges properly for use
48. Leg joint
49. Big collection agency
51. A female animal or person
52. Period of immesurable duration
53. Johnson of "Laugh-In"
54. Vertical spar for supporting sails
56. Celtic language
58. Fortification
61. Wedding promise
64. French article
65. The sixth month of the Jewish calendar
66. Composer Copland
68. Binary compound
69. We are
70. Swap
71. A really long time
72. 4th largest of the Great Lakes
73. Conclusions

1. Tender
2. Water jar
3. Allodial
4. Arrange properly for use
5. Canvas cover
6. Double curve, resembling the letter S
7. Looked after
8. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)
9. Following
10. The visible part of the earth's surface
11. Plant holders
13. French philosopher Descartes
21. High mountains
22. Food holders
23. Mild oath
24. Dripping
26. Compass dir.
27. Fast jet (abbr.)
28. Frozen water
29. Austrian-born American filmmaker Fritz
31. Olfactory organs
35. Respiratory problem
37. Trig term
41. Modern: prefix
42. Lair
44. Beget
45. Tate display
47. Scorch
48. Krazy ___ of comics
50. Sowing specialist
53. NE Netherlands city
55. Argument over a trivial matter
56. Writer Wiesel
57. Redecorate
59. Indian skirt
60. Algonquian
61. SW Asia republic
62. Texas town _ City
63. Singles
65. Deep reverence
67. "We ___ not amused" (Victoria)