Puzzles for Wed, Sep 11, 2019:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #10 for Wed, Sep 11, 2019

1. Leather borer
4. Cause heat under the collar
8. Flatfish
12. To riddle
13. Presage
14. Singer Brickell
15. Dice game
18. Labels
19. Famous astronaut Armstrong
20. The state or an instance of erring
22. Possessed
23. "Death on the ____"
24. Krazy ___ of comics
25. Mountains (abbr.)
26. Manned the helm
30. R.R. building
33. Baseball hit which scores a run
36. Port city in Latvia
37. Compass direction
39. Teachers' org.
40. Coast Guard woman
41. Writer Wiesel
42. Distance measurement (Brit.)
44. Binary compound
45. Son of Zeus who helped slay Medusa
47. Impair
50. Label
51. On the rocks
53. Atmosphere
54. Borne
57. Baby powder
59. Son of Odin
61. Keyboard key
63. Tending to cause great harm
64. Ubangi River tributary
65. Environmental prefix
66. Nathan's nickname
67. Conclusions
68. _ de Janeiro

1. Curve
2. We are
3. Acquire or gain knowledge or skills
4. College mil. group
5. "If ____ say so..."
6. Part of a journey
7. Followers of ems
8. Elected representatives
9. Wrote a lyric poem
10. Cards in a Roman deck?
11. Snakelike fish
16. Demure
17. Table seasoning
21. Soft
22. Actor Linden
24. Apertif with cassis
26. Lightbulb-shaped fruit
27. Native american tent (variation)
28. Mild oath
29. Have the gumption
30. Ooze
31. Lie
32. SW Saudi Arabia district
34. Singles
35. Was introduced to
38. One of the two male reproductive glands
42. Large cup
43. Independent ruler or chieftain
46. Hearing organ
48. 1/640 square mile
49. It's straight from the horse's mouth
52. Prevent from occurring
53. Set down
54. Lacking warmth
55. Ancient Greek god of war
56. Tenth: prefix
57. Nine, plus one
58. Actress Gardner
59. Third day of the wk.
60. Layer
62. Friend of Pooh