Puzzles for Thu, Jun 13, 2019:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #9 for Thu, Jun 13, 2019

1. Krazy ___ of comics
4. Fast planes
8. Arabian gulf
12. _ tizzy (2 wds.)
13. Writer Wiesel
14. Actor's bit
15. Moved through
18. Electrical Unit
19. For fear that
20. Imposing or collecting, as a tax
22. Lower and raise head in agreement
23. Transmitted
24. Dripping
25. Ocean
26. Of or relating to Laos or its people
30. Affectionate concern, for short
33. Failure
36. Inside; within (prefix)
37. Expressions of contempt or scorn
39. ___ good deed
40. Conclusions
41. Highlander
42. Writing tables
44. Compass dir.
45. Manned the helm
47. Small child
50. Baking dish
51. Freehold land
53. Elect
54. Commissioned military rank
57. Australian parrot (variant)
59. Hindu Mythology: god of death
61. "The Thinker" sculptor
63. SW Asia republic
64. SW Saudi Arabia district
65. Experiment locale
66. Mild oath, euphamism for damn
67. Zero-star reviews
68. Period

1. Apertif with cassis
2. Of or related to the anus
3. Receives possession of
4. Stitched
5. Volcanic refuse
6. Teat (slang)
7. Arrange properly for use
8. One to whom something is allotted
9. Passed on
10. Followers of ems
11. Fish or hair follower
16. Nights before holidays
17. Unit of force
21. Slanted text style (abbr.)
22. Modern: prefix
24. Armed conflict
26. Path through which fluid escapes
27. Taverns
28. Does sums
29. Olfactory organ
30. Cook's measure (abbr.)
31. Venues
32. Calm and collected
34. Wrote a lyric poem
35. Mayday
38. Obstructing or blocking passage
42. Lair
43. Surprise greatly
46. Make lace
48. Baltic tributary
49. Pacific island yam
52. Dipping utensil
53. NW Algerian seaport
54. Smile widely
55. Hearing organs
56. One who doesn't tell the truth
57. Flaplike covering
58. Mouth or opening
59. Atlas unit
60. White ___ sheet
62. Basketball assoc.