Puzzles for Thu, Dec 6, 2018:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #5 for Thu, Dec 6, 2018

1. Comedian Laurel of Laurel & Hardy
5. Binary compound
8. Automobile
11. Falsehood
12. Negative votes
14. Biblical high priest
15. Leaves out
17. The wife of a rajah (variant)
18. Directed
19. Small, flat, pigmented spot on the skin
21. Girls' org. (abbr.)
22. Area sheltered from the wind
23. Compass dir.
24. American Automobile Association (abbr.)
25. Strike
27. Mountains (abbr.)
28. Burn to charcoal
31. Fastener
35. And so on (abbr.)
37. Heavy book
38. Expression of disdain
39. Observe
41. Washington bills
42. In addition
43. Order of Saint Francis (abbr.)
45. Monthly bill
46. It's straight from the horse's mouth
47. Feline
49. Arrange properly for use
51. "We ___ not amused" (Victoria)
52. Ocean
55. Plant holder
57. Chief or king in Benin or Nigeria
60. Thinks logically
62. Lyricist Gershwin
63. Lowest deck of a ship
65. Table seasonings
66. Baking dish
67. Desk light
68. The content of cognition
69. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)
70. Make lace
71. Dormintory (informal)

1. Fur scarf
2. Softens
3. Place in a line
4. Remaining after all deductions
5. _ tizzy (2 wds.)
6. Mild oath, euphamism for damn
7. Sight organs
8. Portable communications device
9. Toward shelter
10. Travel on an animal
13. Dry up
16. Thailand, formerly
17. Ridicules or criticizes harshly
20. Yard entry
26. Thespian
29. So be it
30. Remainder
31. Coast Guard woman
32. "Death on the ____"
33. Helper
34. Give a jingle
36. Corporate head (abbr.)
40. Fortification
44. Conductor's collection
48. Afternoon social gatherings
50. Instrument
52. Twentieth part of a lira
53. Keyboard key
54. Indian state
55. Corncob
56. Mouths or openings
58. Naughty child
59. _ mater
61. Stated
64. Choose