Puzzles for Thu, Oct 11, 2018:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #5 for Thu, Oct 11, 2018

1. Message
6. "One Day ___ Time"
9. Actress Charlotte
12. Believer in; advocate of (suffix)
13. Baltic tributary
14. Omen
15. Insides of hands
16. For fear that
17. Double curve, resembling the letter S
18. Ocean
19. Patter
20. Scottish caps
21. Eighteen holes
23. Lyricist Gershwin
24. Western Nevada city
25. Laconic
28. Compass dir.
30. Learning spot: Fr.
34. Dormintory (informal)
35. The 19th letter of the Greek alphabet
36. Shrimp-like planktonic crustaceans
38. Cards in a Roman deck?
39. Taverns
41. Goodbye (Sp.)
43. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)
44. Moves on water
46. Musical composition
48. Boat paddle
49. Comedian Laurel of Laurel & Hardy
50. Against
51. Lyric poems
53. Armed conflict
56. Writer Wiesel
57. Tending to cause great harm
58. "_ and Lucy" (Charlie Brown theme song)
60. Backtalk
61. Coral collection
62. U. of Maine site
63. Be seated
64. Plus
65. Portable shelters

1. Plant excrement
2. Mouths or openings
3. "Death on the ____"
4. Break
5. Followers of ems
6. Arabian gulf
7. Trial
8. Nonscientific branch of learning
9. Complicated, petty procedures
10. Eons
11. Compass dir.
13. Norwegian king
14. Flew
19. Timepiece
20. Teat (slang)
22. Single
24. One who advocates reunion
26. Indian titles of respect
27. Send forth
28. Nuclear Threat Initiatives
29. Grandmother
31. Mouth or opening
32. Flaplike covering
33. Biblical high priest
37. Plunders
40. Chalkboards
42. Health resort
45. Indian title of respect (Mr.)
47. Undo the wiring of
49. Oneself
50. Jai ____
51. Baking chamber
52. Passed on
54. At once, immediately (arch.)
55. Undersized animal
56. Curvy letter
57. Epoch
58. Car dealer's back yard
59. Mayday