Puzzles for Mon, Jul 17, 2017:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Mon, Jul 17, 2017

1. Beverage made from leaves
4. Capri or Wright
8. Marina Del _, California
11. Pipe bend
12. Garlic unit
14. Not wild
15. The longest river in the world
17. Consumed
18. Deliberation
19. Pulling into pieces
21. Keyboard key
23. Indian title of respect (Mr.)
24. Twice
25. Algonquian
27. Portico
30. "Barney Miller" actor Jack
31. Oozed
34. Label
37. Cooking vessel
38. Chalkboard
39. Purpose
40. According to
41. Michaelmas daisies
43. Definite Article
44. Institutes legal proceedings
45. Loyal
47. Modern: prefix
49. Institute legal proceedings
50. Actors Connery and Penn
52. Fools
56. Blunders
57. _ Allan Poe
60. Southwest Nigerian state
61. Not recorded
62. Trap for birds or small mammals
63. Heredity factor (abbr.)
64. Compass dir.
65. Flats, for short
66. Boat paddle

1. Portable shelter
2. Writer Wiesel
3. Silent film actress Nazimova
4. Ancient Celtic tribe of eastern Britain
5. Volcanic refuse
6. Car dealer's back yard
7. First lady
8. All-night dance parties
9. Independent ruler or chieftain
10. It is so
13. Compass dir.
14. Jacques of French films
16. Celtic language
20. Angers
22. Basketball assoc.
25. Calm and collected
26. Roll call or roster of names
27. Arguments over trivial matters
28. Wig
29. River in Europe
30. Health resort
32. Son of Isaac
33. Otherwise
34. Ballerina skirt
35. American tennis player Robert
36. Turn to the right
42. Surprise greatly
44. Boy, to dad
46. Western Nevada city
47. Effrontery
48. Comfort
49. Male parents of animals
50. Indian titles of respect
51. Elected rep.
52. Political cartoonist Thomas
53. Southeast Asian peninsula
54. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ferber
55. Fly high
56. Raised railways
58. ___ good deed
59. Grand Old Party