Puzzles for Fri, Dec 16, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Fri, Dec 16, 2016

1. Narrow board
5. Compass dir.
8. Nine, plus one
11. Airs
12. Not wild
14. Tate display
15. Indian state
17. Sour-tasting
18. Cards in a Roman deck?
19. Thinks logically
21. "We ___ not amused" (Victoria)
22. French article
23. _ Lanka
24. Car dealer's back yard
25. Fish or hair follower
27. Compass dir.
28. Settles
31. Mouths or openings
35. Globe
37. Jai _
38. Plate
39. Mayday
41. Peachy ____!
42. Otherwise
43. Acquire through effort
45. Capri or Wright
46. It's straight from the horse's mouth
47. Chop off
49. R.R. building
51. _ moment's notice (2 wds.)
52. Followers of ems
55. Allow
57. Atlas unit
60. Commissioned military rank
62. Retirement account (abbr.)
63. Evade
65. Before Barbara or Clara
66. Spanish title
67. "Death on the ____"
68. Thailand, formerly
69. Fast jet (abbr.)
70. The 23rd letter of the Hebrew alphabet
71. Snakelike fish

1. Practice fights
2. Failure
3. Slender Brazilian palm
4. Afternoon social gatherings
5. And so on (abbr.)
6. "Two Mules for Sister ____"
7. Arab leader
8. Baron Munchausen's specialties
9. 4th largest of the Great Lakes
10. Nuclear Threat Initiatives
13. Genesis locale
16. Undercover agent
17. Michaelmas daisies
20. Words to Nanette
26. 1973 Nobel Price Winner (Physics) Leo
29. Highlander
30. Trig term
31. River in Europe
32. Cause heat under the collar
33. Helper
34. Odor
36. Arrow shooter
40. Fodder prepared in a silo
44. Short letter
48. Baking dishes
50. So be it
52. Bert's buddy
53. Relating to or accompanying birth
54. Hits or strikes with great force
55. Hats (slang)
56. Greek god of love
58. Set down
59. Monetary unit of Botswana
61. Relaxation
64. Morning condensation