Puzzles for Sun, Nov 20, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #9 for Sun, Nov 20, 2016

1. Below a satisfactory level
4. Curvy letter
7. Cy Young winner Saberhagen
11. Actress Charlotte
12. Mouths or openings
13. Wear away
14. One (Scot)
15. Haul
16. Chalkboards
17. Cabin
19. Aide
21. Pet locale
23. Angers
24. Lairs
25. Personal question
26. Part of a journey
29. 2nd pers. sing. pres. of can (arch.)
30. Followers of ems
31. Australian flightless bird
32. Car or cant ending
33. Big collection agency
34. Direct toward a target or goal
35. Compete
36. _-fi
37. Don Adams' spy role
40. Raised railways
41. Area sheltered from the wind
42. It's straight from the horse's mouth
43. Examine minutely or intensely
45. It would
46. Casting lots
51. Phone greeting
55. Foolish or stupid persons
56. Billionth: prefix
58. Electrically charged atom
59. Having high moral qualities
60. Colored
61. Curve
62. Celtic language
63. Bear (Spanish)
64. Portuguese money of account (variant)

1. Taken by mouth
2. Papal veil
3. Nourish
4. Period
5. "Two Mules for Sister ____"
6. Fast planes
7. Naughty children
8. Roll call or roster of names
9. Paradise
10. Trial
12. Seas
13. Otherwise
16. Begets
18. Small, secluded valley
20. Public displays of written messages
22. Pacific Standard Time (abbr.)
24. Natives or inhabitants of Denmark
25. Nest on high
26. Memorize
27. Send forth
28. Chewing product
29. To provide with a ceiling
32. First lady
33. Ancient Celtic tribe of eastern Britain
36. Narrow boards
37. Indian title of respect (Mr.)
38. Mode
39. Assistant
43. Took without asking
44. Quote
46. Trig term
47. Scent
48. Chest bones
49. Southwest Nigerian state
50. Negative votes
52. One who doesn't tell the truth
53. Old wives' tales, e.g.
54. Single time
57. Modern: prefix