Puzzles for Tue, Nov 15, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #4 for Tue, Nov 15, 2016

1. And so on (abbr.)
4. Thin strip of wood or metal
8. Singer James
12. Epoch
13. Son of Isaac
14. Smile widely
15. Den
17. Yard entry
18. Representative
19. Male parents of animals
21. Spanish title
23. Double-curved letter
24. Woman's close-fitting hat
26. Egg _ yung
28. Lick closed
30. Paper fasteners
34. Big collection agency
37. Stalk of a moss capsule
39. Lacquered or enameled metalware
40. Born
41. Sends forth
43. Compass dir.
44. Small valley
46. A single undivided whole
47. Elected rep.
48. Person of authority
51. Christmas carol
54. Pipe bend
55. Place in a line
58. Fitting
61. Atmosphere
63. Women servants
65. Suffix with ecto or cyto
67. International (abbr.)
71. Painter Guido (1575-1642)
72. Not wild
73. Rowboat
74. Auto
75. System (abbr.)
76. Singer Brickell
77. Compass dir.

1. Snakelike fish
2. Distinguishing feature
3. Capital of Egypt
4. Part of a journey
5. White ___ sheet
6. Make lace
7. Took on color
8. Ovum
9. Relationship diagram
10. Metal containers
11. Pismires
16. Vintage cars
18. Small Philippine buffalo
20. Institute legal proceedings
22. Often (poetically)
25. Comfort
27. Elect
29. Arboreal primate
30. Smooth fabric
31. Moos
32. Otherwise
33. Stitched
34. Southeast Asian peninsula
35. Coral collection
36. Oneself
38. Metal container
42. Portico
45. Whopper
49. Burrowing marine mollusk
50. Connecticut Ivy Leaguer
52. Shade tree
53. One who doesn't tell the truth
56. Sibling's daughter
57. Ferber et al.
58. Tenement units (abbr.)
59. Romp
60. Scottish caps
62. Travel on or in a vehicle
64. Title for a man of rank and authority
66. Put into a specified state
68. Lower and raise head in agreement
69. Three (prefix)
70. Potassium hydroxide