Puzzles for Thu, Nov 10, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #3 for Thu, Nov 10, 2016

1. Grand Old Party
4. Lettered men learn these first
8. Curve
11. Ancient river in northeast Turkey
13. Method
14. 4th largest of the Great Lakes
15. Light colored
16. Airs
17. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ferber
18. Core
21. Soft thread for cleaning between teeth
22. Fly high
23. R.R. building
25. To sift
26. English channel?
29. Orators
32. Came up
34. Sound made by sheep
35. Pacific Standard Time (abbr.)
38. 1994 drama film starring Jodie Foster
39. Leaves out
41. Greek god of love
43. The 19th letter of the Greek alphabet
44. Groovy apt.
45. Prepares for publication
46. Plea
50. Arrange properly for use
51. Fish or hair follower
54. White ___ sheet
55. Become fatigued
57. Amid
59. Pertaining to the sea
63. Father
64. Allodial
67. Raze (variant)
68. _ mater
69. Famous astronaut Armstrong
70. Connect, as a bridge
71. Potassium hydroxide
72. Restaurants
73. Tate display

1. Open wide
2. Mouths or openings
3. Friends
4. Electrical Unit
5. Oct. 31 cry
6. Music discs
7. Perceive with the eye
8. Zeal
9. Wash lightly
10. Stop
12. Observes
14. Snakelike fish
19. Sense of smell
20. Head covering
21. Distant
23. Three-handed card game
24. Afternoon social gatherings
26. Bar
27. Cy Young winner Saberhagen
28. Root beer relative
30. Tolerate
31. Moved rapidly
33. Turn sharply
36. Indian titles of respect
37. Haul
39. Chooses
40. Hindu Mythology: god of death
42. Fast jet (abbr.)
45. Jane of fiction
47. Tired old horse
48. Ringlike coral islands and reefs
49. Nervous spasm
51. Rhinal
52. Poet Dickinson
53. Singer Mel
56. Hearing organs
58. Teachers' org.
60. California wine valley
61. Austrian river, tributary to the Danube
62. Penny
64. Corn or form start
65. Lair
66. The 18th letter of the Arabic alphabet