Puzzles for Sun, Nov 6, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Sun, Nov 6, 2016

1. "We ___ not amused" (Victoria)
4. Inside; within (prefix)
8. Raised platform
12. Not strict
13. Ooze
14. At one time in the past
15. Advice
17. Transmitted
18. The wife of a rajah (variant)
19. Musical pauses
21. Indian title of respect (Mr.)
23. Begley and Asner
24. Unemotional
26. Australian flightless bird
28. Caspian sea tributary
30. French poetic form
34. Groovy apt.
37. Gone
39. Morally bad or wrong
40. University (slang)
41. Unit of acoustic absorption
43. Everything
44. Ear part
46. Lie
47. Teachers' org.
48. Replies
51. He sold his birthright
54. Epoch
55. Tarsus (plural)
58. Separate the seeds from cotton
61. Ocean
63. Rep
65. First class
67. Republicans
71. Mountain range southwest of Kyrgyzstan
72. Back-to-school mo.
73. Nathan's nickname
74. Indiana (abbr.)
75. Backtalk
76. SW Asia republic
77. Unit of force equal to gravity

1. Having or resembling wings
2. All-night dance parties
3. Be extant
4. Curvy letter
5. Born
6. Lair
7. Elects
8. ___ good deed
9. Singer Murray
10. On the rocks
11. Observes
16. Portico
18. Basketball hoops
20. Title for a knight
22. Portuguese money of account (variant)
25. Crow sounds
27. Shoshoni
29. Theater features
30. Vertical member of a panel or frame
31. _ the terrible
32. Mediterranean tributary
33. Silent film actress Nazimova
34. Monetary unit of Botswana
35. At once, immediately (arch.)
36. Claim
38. Basketball assoc.
42. Egg locale
45. She-sheep
49. Celtic language
50. Actress Charlotte
52. Auto club (abbr.)
53. Capital and largest city of Mongolia
56. Former Milwaukee Brewers owner Bud
57. Lacking in sense or substance
58. Global Positioning Systems (abbr.)
59. Type of rug
60. Cuts off
62. Hindu god of fire
64. Periodic rise and fall of the sea level
66. Mountains (abbr.)
68. Rowing implement
69. Parent Teacher Association (abbr.)
70. Elected rep.