Puzzles for Tue, Oct 18, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #4 for Tue, Oct 18, 2016

1. Acquire through effort
4. Raised railways
7. ____ Bator
11. _ moment's notice (2 wds.)
12. Writer Wiesel
13. Eat (away)
14. Reproach for some lapse or misdeed
15. _ mater
16. Chalkboards
17. Hits or strikes with great force
19. Helper
21. Car or cant ending
23. Algonquian
24. Cause heat under the collar
25. Institute legal proceedings
26. Actor Linden
29. 2nd pers. sing. pres. of can (arch.)
30. Mountains (abbr.)
31. Mouth or opening
32. Title for a knight
33. Untruth
34. Atlas unit
35. Had dinner
36. Snakelike fish
37. Off-Broadway awards
40. For each
41. A saturated hydrocarbon
42. Baking dishes
43. Australian parrot (variant)
45. Affectionate concern, for short
46. Home
51. Clothes sense
55. Spoke pompously
56. Fails to keep up a pace
58. Hat (slang)
59. Lugs
60. At sea
61. "We ___ not amused" (Victoria)
62. SW Saudi Arabia district
63. Cartoonist voice _ Blanc
64. Benjamin's nick name

1. Armed conflicts
2. Slanted text style (abbr.)
3. California wine valley
4. Pipe bend
5. Pale green bean
6. Oceans
7. A salt of uric acid
8. Globular water bottle used in Asia
9. Arabian gulf
10. Egg locale
12. Artist's stands
13. Otherwise
16. Founders of families
18. Chow _
20. Snake scale
22. Fish or hair follower
24. More valued for its uncommonness
25. Grin
26. Residences
27. Ancient river in northeast Turkey
28. Pet locale
29. Quote
32. Plant excrement
33. Soviet premier 1918-24
36. Having ears or earlike features
37. Choose
38. Greek mezzo-soprano Agnes
39. South American Indian
43. 61 cubic inches
44. Lyric poems
46. Round or rotation of duties
47. Greek god of love
48. Suttee (variant)
49. Dollar (slang)
50. Comfort
52. Thick slice
53. Hoop that covers a wheel
54. Locale of original sin
57. Set