Puzzles for Tue, Oct 18, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #10 for Tue, Oct 18, 2016

1. Lion
4. Follow as a consequence or result
9. Spoken
13. Big collection agency
14. Natives or inhabitants of Denmark
15. Travel on an animal
16. Pacific Standard Time (abbr.)
17. Fur scarf
18. Mountain range southwest of Kyrgyzstan
19. Snakelike fish
21. Deep reverence
22. Following
24. Be tempered by heat
26. "Barney Miller" actor Jack
27. Trials
29. One who uses or employs something
30. Ascend
31. "Two Mules for Sister ____"
33. Help
36. HTML Container Element
37. Choose not to consume
40. Filthy place
41. Perceive with the eye
42. Slanted text style (abbr.)
43. NE Netherlands city
45. Possessive pronoun
47. First class
48. Working for oneself (abbr.)
49. Raised platform
50. Gurus
52. _ Lanka
54. R.R. building
56. Ending for "Through" and "Enough"
57. Place in a line
59. Housemaid (var.)
61. French philosopher Descartes
62. Utah city north of Ogden
63. And not
64. SW Saudi Arabia district
65. Lacerates
66. Nervous spasm

1. Mouth edge
2. Celtic language
3. Clearly or manifestly demonstrative
4. Begley and Asner
5. Brizilian seaport
6. Frozen precipitation
7. Ubangi River tributary
8. Compass dir.
9. Speaker
10. Cause heat under the collar
11. The sixth month of the Jewish calendar
12. Flowery wreath
20. Allows
22. Slender Brazilian palm
23. Enemy
25. At sea
27. Bits
28. One of the Great Lakes
29. Mountain range
31. Fast planes
32. _ moment's notice (2 wds.)
33. Aide
34. A whole individual unit
35. Centimeter-gram-second unit of force
38. Avian creatures
39. California wine valley
44. Indian titles of respect
45. Having greater elevation
46. Compass dir.
49. Middle Eastern gold or silver currency
50. Takes to court
51. Hindu god of fire
52. A type of plum
53. Capital of Latvia
55. Mine, in Marseilles
56. Mouth or opening
57. Keyboard modifier key
58. Followers of ems
60. Curve