Puzzles for Fri, Oct 14, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #5 for Fri, Oct 14, 2016

1. Narrow board
5. Sep. follower
8. Beverage made from leaves
11. Airs
12. Angers
14. 100%
15. Indian state
17. Having winglike extensions
18. Mouth edge
19. Thinks logically
21. Slangy assent
22. French article
23. _ Lanka
24. Car dealer's back yard
25. Teat (slang)
27. Compass dir.
28. Nathan's nickname
31. Pile
35. Period
37. Sudden quick movement
38. Celtic language
39. R.R. building
41. Monthly bill
42. Vertical spar for supporting sails
43. Pipe bend
45. At sea
46. Tumult
47. Greek goddess of the dawn
49. "Barney Miller" actor Jack
51. Before (prefix)
52. Fifth month
55. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)
57. Rowing implement
60. Player piano
62. "One Day ___ Time"
63. Greek god of the underworld
65. More uncommon
66. Male offspring
67. Flatfish
68. Part of speech
69. Erode
70. Car or cant ending
71. Pismires

1. Practice fights
2. Failure
3. Slender Brazilian palm
4. Beverages made from leaves
5. Petroleum
6. Supercomputer manufacturer
7. Wig
8. Baron Munchausen's specialties
9. Writer Wiesel
10. High mountains
13. Back-to-school mo.
16. Undercover agent
17. Michaelmas daisies
20. Sense of smell
26. Kind of red light
29. Prong on a fork
30. Singer James
31. Folds over and sews together
32. Part of Q.E.F.
33. Aide
34. Stone: prefix
36. Had dinner
40. City in Syria
44. Australian parrot (variant)
48. Singe
50. I made a mistake
52. Person of subnormal intelligence
53. Native American of Southwest Alaska
54. Entertaining tales
55. Relaxation
56. Portico
58. Medicinal plant
59. General guideline
61. Grandmother
64. "___ Little Indians"