Puzzles for Wed, Oct 5, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Wed, Oct 5, 2016

1. Was introduced to
4. 911 reaches them
8. Begley and Asner
11. Mild oath
13. Ancient Greek god of war
14. Indian skirt
15. "You Light Up My Life" star Conn
16. Female horse
17. Austrian river, tributary to the Danube
18. Core
21. Streamer paper
22. Letter starter
23. Infant food
25. French article
26. Small moist lump or mass
29. File 13
32. Unconcealed
34. Apertif with cassis
35. RI univ.
38. The longest river in the world
39. Vertical member of a panel or frame
41. Not women's
43. Daniel's nick name
44. "We ___ not amused" (Victoria)
45. Phillipine bananalike plant
46. Consumed
50. Strike
51. Scottish cap
54. Overdraft (abbr.)
55. Conclusions
57. Peak District village in England
59. Snuggling
63. Cause heat under the collar
64. On the rocks
67. Length times width
68. Disposed of to a purchaser
69. Puff or smoke
70. State of inaction
71. Curvy letter
72. Broke a traffic law
73. A female animal or person

1. Ancient Persian
2. The front part of a cuirass
3. Bits
4. Device for capturing images
5. Mouth or opening
6. For each
7. Compass dir.
8. Artist's stand
9. Window treatment
10. Founders of families
12. Passed on
14. Title for a knight
19. Remaining after all deductions
20. Automobile
21. Accounting whiz (abbr.)
23. Silvers or Donahue
24. Land measure
26. Spanish title
27. Enthusiastic
28. Actor Lugosi
30. Atmospheres
31. Unfeeling
33. Painter Guido (1575-1642)
36. Bring up, as a child
37. South American Indian
39. Sinks
40. Not kosher
42. Plant excrement
45. Does sums
47. Compass dir.
48. Looked after
49. Compass dir.
51. Laconic
52. Goodbye (Sp.)
53. Promenades
56. Play the lead
58. Directed
60. Angers
61. Soft
62. Yard entry
64. It is
65. Police officer (slang)
66. Make supply last