Puzzles for Wed, Jan 20, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Wed, Jan 20, 2016

1. Egg _ yung
4. Inky black, to poets
8. French article
11. Hearing organs
13. Receives possession of
15. The grampus (Milton)
16. Son of Isaac
17. Monte _, Las Vegas Hotel/Casino
18. Greek goddess of the earth (variant)
19. Prevent from occurring
21. Everything
22. Sign of things to come
23. Compass dir.
24. Clumsy lout
27. HTML Container Element
29. Competent
30. Trials
34. Actor Linden
36. Cassini of fashion
39. Nick name for Arthur
40. Place where flour is made
41. A person who is older than you are
43. Unadorned
44. Columnist Joseph or Stewart
46. Toward the sea
47. Single
48. Secret plans
49. Commotion
51. Shallow baking pan
53. Car or cant ending
54. "One Day ___ Time"
57. "Death on the ____"
60. Wing
63. Debunk (Brit. slang)
65. Migrant worker of the '30s
66. Entertaining tales
69. Drop; flow; fall
70. Spanish title
71. Locates
72. Paradise
73. Compass dir.
74. Remaining after all deductions
75. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)

1. Gives food to
2. Fertile tracts in a desert
3. Declaim
4. And so on (abbr.)
5. Sound made by sheep
6. Gumbo ingredient
7. 1994 drama film starring Jodie Foster
8. Rich soil
9. 4th largest of the Great Lakes
10. Examine hastily
12. Take to court
14. Disposed of to a purchaser
18. Head of state?
20. Director Reiner
25. Medicinal plant
26. Chap (slang)
28. Call ___ day
29. One to whom something is allotted
31. Surprise greatly
32. Periodic rise and fall of the sea level
33. Observe
34. Land elevation
35. In addition
37. Begley and Asner
38. Honkers
40. Atlas unit
42. Assign a rank or rating to
45. Air pressure measure (abbr.)
50. Indiana (abbr.)
52. Negative votes
54. Remain
55. Falsehoods
56. Representative
57. Thickened enlargement
58. Image
59. Actor's bit
61. (Had) reclined
62. Johnson of "Laugh-In"
64. Compass dir.
67. Fish or hair follower
68. Fast jet (abbr.)