Puzzles for Thu, Jan 7, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Thu, Jan 7, 2016

1. Pack (down)
5. Apple computer (short form)
8. Actress Charlotte
11. Ancient Greek god of war
12. Small Philippine buffalo
14. Followers of ems
15. Wash lightly
17. Separate forcefully
18. Do not
19. Soft color
21. Full of chinks, cracks, or crevices
23. Flaplike covering
25. Examine minutely or intensely
26. Russian ruler of old
27. Ewer handle
28. Basketball assoc.
31. "Barney Miller" actor Jack
33. Hit sharply and swiftly
35. To the left, to Queeg
37. Move through with a circular motion
38. Slender fish
40. It may be bright or harebrained
41. Bodily heat indicating an inflammation
43. Immediately
45. Put into a specified state
46. Big collection agency
47. Curvy letter
50. Bowlike part
52. International (abbr.)
53. Cartoonist voice _ Blanc
54. Device for capturing images
56. Annoying sounds
61. Clever action or accomplishment
62. "Tell ____ the Marines!"
65. First class
66. 100%
67. Lightbulb-shaped fruit
68. Writer Wiesel
69. Groovy apt.
70. R.R. building
71. Puts into a specified state

1. Canvas cover
2. Roberta Peters solo
3. Not women's
4. Inconspicuous attention getter
5. Floor protector
6. A saturated hydrocarbon
7. Unrefined
8. Vintage cars
9. Singer Murray
10. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)
13. N. Chile seaport
16. Snakelike fish
18. Spanish title
20. One who doesn't tell the truth
22. Hindu Mythology: god of death
24. To be drawn or hauled along
26. "Corrida" creature
28. Connecting point
29. Cy Young winner Saberhagen
30. _ moment's notice (2 wds.)
31. Play the lead
32. Petroleums
34. Baking dish
36. Expression of disdain
37. _-fi
39. Wander
42. French philosopher Descartes
44. Songbird
48. Remove all contents or possession from
49. Chalkboards
51. Hoof sound
52. Naughty child
54. Root beer relative
55. Old (Scot.)
57. Angers
58. Drop; flow; fall
59. Give off
60. Observes
61. Head covering
63. Make lace
64. Mouth or opening