Puzzles for Sat, Jan 2, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Sat, Jan 2, 2016

1. Saxophone
4. Presage
8. Small moist lump or mass
11. Shade tree
12. More valued for its uncommonness
14. Actor Lugosi
15. Afternoon social gatherings
17. Speak pompously
18. Austrian river, tributary to the Danube
19. French poetic form
21. 1973 Nobel Price Winner (Physics) Leo
23. Environmental prefix
24. Curvy letter
25. ____ d'Azur (French Riviera)
27. Narrow board
30. Car or cant ending
31. Window treatments
34. Pipe bend
37. Compete
38. Having winglike extensions
39. Can I?
40. Raised railways
41. Sunflower state
43. Frozen water
44. Possessive pronoun
45. Municipality
47. Australian flightless bird
49. Large container
50. Amid
52. Flamboyance
56. Among
57. Goodbye (Sp.)
60. Plunder
61. Wig
62. Trap for birds or small mammals
63. Pacific Standard Time (abbr.)
64. Followers of ems
65. Pismires
66. Ocean

1. Puts into a specified state
2. Toward shelter
3. Dec. holiday
4. U. of Maine site
5. Hindu Mythology: god of death
6. Period
7. Fish or hair follower
8. Writing tables
9. Jai _
10. Soap unit
13. Portuguese money of account (variant)
14. Prejudice
16. Proofreading order
20. On the rocks
22. Put into a specified state
25. To provide with a ceiling
26. Singles
27. Connects, as a bridge
28. Allows
29. Toward the sea
30. First lady
32. Immoral or dissolute person
33. Having or resembling wings
34. Send forth
35. Made of lace
36. Sodium hydroxide
42. Skim
44. Attila the _
46. Slanted text style (abbr.)
47. Gives off
48. Method
49. Flower holders
50. So be it
51. Separate the seeds from cotton
52. Mail
53. 911 reaches them
54. Flexible conduit
55. Singer James
56. Had dinner
58. ___ good deed
59. Electrically charged atom