Puzzles for Thu, Nov 12, 2015:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Thu, Nov 12, 2015

1. Tined utensil
5. Table seasoning
9. Yard entry
13. Length times width
14. At sea
15. An organ shaped like a helmet
16. Political cartoonist Thomas
17. Frustrating wastes of time
19. Baseball player Mel
20. Apertif with cassis
21. Compass dir.
22. One (Scot)
23. Son of Isaac
25. Declare
26. Exchanges for money
30. Frog relative
34. Yell
35. Hub of activity
36. "Change" in Tahitian
39. You are
42. Flair
43. Restaurants
44. Congenital growth or mark on the skin
46. Prepare for publication
47. Honkers
48. Health resort
51. Inconspicuous attention getter
54. Chewing product
57. Cleo's killer
58. Followers of ems
60. Trim (branches)
62. Conciliate
65. "Two Mules for Sister ____"
66. Vegetable dish
67. Hindu god of fire
68. Cook's measure (abbr.)
69. Downhill vehicle
70. Anneal
71. "____ silly question..."

1. Papal veil
2. Speak pompously
3. Musical pauses
4. Krazy ___ of comics
5. Indian skirt
6. SW Saudi Arabia district
7. Part of a journey
8. Softens
9. E Mali city
10. Silent film actress Nazimova
11. Adolescent
12. Comfort
15. Jennifer or Joel
18. Santa ___, CA
20. Malaysian steamed pastry
24. Aid
27. Myrna of the movies
28. Nilotic language
29. Feeling sharp psychological pain
30. College papers
31. Petroleum
32. Actress Gardner
33. Lair
36. Neckwear
37. Also
38. Corn or form start
40. Portuguese money of account (variant)
41. First lady
45. United States Postal Service (abbr.)
48. Stated
49. Pacific Standard Time (abbr.)
50. Bee-related
52. Broad, flat, thick pieces
53. Cod relative
54. Global Positioning Systems (abbr.)
55. Mountain range
56. Undercover agent
58. Inactive volcano in Sicily
59. Famous astronaut Armstrong
61. Dad
63. Groovy apt.
64. Grow older
65. R.R. building