Puzzles for Sat, Jul 11, 2015:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #9 for Sat, Jul 11, 2015

1. Part of Q.E.F.
5. Armor plate that protects the chest
9. Spanish pot
13. Conductor's collection
14. Farming town in central California
15. The Jewish people; Israel
16. Russian ruler of old
17. Sir (Sp.)
18. Jacques of French films
19. Center
21. Car or cant ending
22. Prepare for publication
23. Inactive volcano in Sicily
24. Ewer handle
27. It is
28. Arches
29. Streamer paper
31. R.R. building
32. Austrian river, tributary to the Danube
36. Former U.S. Attorney General Janet
37. Unit of force equal to gravity
38. Grand slam
39. One who uses or employs something
40. Domesticated feline
41. Exchanges for money
42. Russian ruler
44. Like a shrinking violet
46. Ingest
47. Jennifer or Joel
48. Trial
50. Actress Charlotte
51. Chrissie's court nemesis
54. Jai _
56. Practice fights
58. Method
60. Left
61. Father
62. Lyric poems
63. Allows
64. Pull apart
65. Monthly bill

1. Lizard (obsolete)
2. To erase
3. Ancient river in northeast Turkey
4. Laconic
5. Opts
6. Went
7. Wedding promise
8. Title for a knight
9. Clearly or manifestly demonstrative
10. Climbing, woody, usually tropical vines
11. Car dealer's back yard
12. Cuckoo
17. In a ____ (agitated or irritated)
20. Singer Brickell
21. And so on (abbr.)
23. Epoch
24. Shade of tan
25. Ancient Greek god of war
26. French philosopher Descartes
28. Had dinner
30. Likenesses of persons
31. Put into a specified state
33. Not divided or shared with others
34. Silent film actress Nazimova
35. Repose
37. Slender fish
40. Island
41. System (abbr.)
43. Last letter of the English alphabet
44. A viewer who gazes fixedly
45. Possessive pronoun
47. Let have
49. Southeast Indonesia island
51. Hindu Mythology: god of death
52. Thickened enlargement
53. Arabian gulf
54. Leather borer
55. Area sheltered from the wind
56. Fast jet (abbr.)
57. Sliced dessert
59. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)