Puzzles for Thu, Jul 9, 2015:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #6 for Thu, Jul 9, 2015

1. RI univ.
4. Redecorate
8. Mouths or openings
12. June honoree
13. Relating to the mouth
14. Indian skirt
15. Afresh
17. Object of repulsion
18. Following
19. Acquire or gain knowledge or skills
21. Set
23. Compass dir.
24. Choose
26. Big _
28. Characteristic smell of wine
30. Boisterous (Brazilian Portuguese)
34. Had dinner
37. Johnson of "Laugh-In"
39. Clip
40. Experiment locale
41. Makeup applied to the cheeks
43. Small bed
44. Greek god of love
46. Incision
47. Followers of ems
48. Ingest
51. Pismires
54. Afternoon social gathering
55. N. Chile seaport
58. The 19th letter of the Greek alphabet
61. Sodium hydroxide
63. Lacking in sense or substance
65. Come out of
67. Letter starter
71. Engineer (abbr.)
72. Pinches, bites
73. Thickened enlargement
74. According to
75. Celtic language
76. Actor Griffith
77. Car dealer's back yard

1. Hereditary estate
2. The wife of a rajah (variant)
3. Perfect
4. Director Reiner
5. Period
6. Daniel's nick name
7. Cassini of fashion
8. Order of Saint Francis (abbr.)
9. Assign a rank or rating to
10. Ancient Greek god of war
11. The founder of a family
16. Songbird
18. Mountain range southwest of Kyrgyzstan
20. Non-commissioned officer (abbr.)
22. Australian flightless bird
25. Russian ruler of old
27. Music discs
29. Wear away
30. Canadian anthropologist Darnell
31. At one time in the past
32. The Jewish people; Israel
33. Elects
34. Actor Baldwin
35. Edible starchy tuberous root
36. Inky black, to poets
38. Third day of the wk.
42. Inactive volcano in Sicily
45. Fast jet (abbr.)
49. Ubangi River tributary
50. Can I?
52. Three (prefix)
53. Trig term
56. Lessep's creation
57. White American of non-Hispanic descent
58. Prong on a fork
59. SW Saudi Arabia district
60. United States Postal Service (abbr.)
62. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ferber
64. Part of Q.E.F.
66. Purpose
68. A really long time
69. Find the sum of
70. Marina Del _, California