Puzzles for Thu, Jul 2, 2015:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #9 for Thu, Jul 2, 2015

1. Bar bills
5. Within a short period
9. Event that recurs at intervals
13. Actor Baldwin
14. Words to Nanette
15. Ancient Greek god of war
16. One who uses or employs something
17. Drug addict
18. Actor's bit
19. Speakers
21. Raised railways
22. Went
23. Thin strip of wood or metal
24. Age
27. Mountains (abbr.)
28. Globular water bottle used in Asia
29. Window treatment
31. Police officer (slang)
32. Pale green bean
36. Billionth: prefix
37. Fifth month
38. Greek god of love
39. Having or resembling wings
40. Electrical Unit
41. Sadhe (variant)
42. Falsehood
44. Bear (Spanish)
46. Teachers' org.
47. Capital and largest city of Mongolia
48. Monetary unit of Yemen
50. Actress Charlotte
51. Preparing or cooking with lard
54. Jai ____
56. Food holder
58. Undercover agent
60. Remaining after all deductions
61. San ____ (Riviera town)
62. Paradise
63. Grows older
64. River in Europe
65. Elected reps.

1. The 19th letter of the Greek alphabet
2. In addition
3. Fermented drink made from hops
4. Lean end of the neck
5. Sounds asleep
6. I made a mistake
7. Single
8. And not
9. Baron Munchausen's specialties
10. From or relating to Ireland
11. Lair
12. Compass dir.
17. Do not
20. Heavy book
21. Ingest
23. Trim (branches)
24. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ferber
25. Relating to the mouth
26. Grandmother
28. Myrna of the movies
30. Likenesses of persons
31. Head covering
33. SW Asia republic
34. Method
35. At sea
37. Madame (abbr.)
40. According to
41. Frog relative
43. Grow older
44. Speaker
45. Father
47. A salt of uric acid
49. Citrus fruits
51. Unable to walk
52. Thickened enlargement
53. Small, secluded valley
54. Santa ___, CA
55. Part of a journey
56. Adept person
57. Directed
59. Followers of ems