Puzzles for Mon, May 25, 2015:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Mon, May 25, 2015

1. Male child
4. Corncob
8. Inactive volcano in Sicily
12. Blind as ____
14. An important port of Yemen
15. Put on (as clothing)
16. Old wives' tales, e.g.
17. Unrelated to defense, as in spending
20. Not women's
21. "Barney Miller" actor Jack
22. Parent Teacher Association (abbr.)
23. Guide
27. Olfactory organ
29. Spoils
31. Leg joint
34. Slender Brazilian palm
35. Taverns
36. Backtalk
39. Madame (abbr.)
41. Snake ____ (dice throw)
42. Washington bills
43. Leaves out
46. Grandmother
47. Travel on an animal
48. So be it
51. Rob, plunder, or pillage
54. Sep. follower
56. Allow
58. Amu Darya
61. Appease
66. Kenny Rogers chart-topper in '80
67. Edible starchy tuberous root
68. Nuclear Threat Initiatives
69. Enthusiasm
70. System (abbr.)
71. Religious group
72. Affectionate concern, for short

1. Lip ointment
2. Mitch Miller's instrument
3. Tall tales
4. Baking dish
5. Wedding promise
6. Writing instrument
7. Extremities
8. She-sheep
9. 3-inch nail
10. Political cartoonist Thomas
11. Length times width
13. Trial
18. A really long time
19. Egg _ yung
24. Raised railways
25. Greek goddess of the dawn
26. Wander aimlessly
28. Atmospheres
30. Southeast Indonesia island
32. Compass dir.
33. Double-curved letter
34. Indian state
36. Manchild
37. Santa ___, CA
38. Elected representatives
40. Independent ruler or chieftain
44. Binary compound
45. Afternoon social gathering
49. Biblical high priest
50. Fish or hair follower
52. Grand slam
53. Honor
54. Chooses
55. Supercomputer manufacturer
57. Metal containers
59. Freehold land
60. Synchronize (abbr.)
62. Plant holder
63. Had dinner
64. Nervous spasm
65. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)