Puzzles for Mon, May 18, 2015:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Mon, May 18, 2015

1. Narrow board
5. Curvy letter
8. Label
11. Airs
12. Part of Q.E.F.
14. Insect wing
15. Indian state
17. Place in a line
18. Chop off
19. Thinks logically
21. Fast jet (abbr.)
22. Area sheltered from the wind
23. _ Lanka
24. Car dealer's back yard
25. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)
27. Compass dir.
28. Zero-star reviews
31. Scottish caps
35. The grampus (Milton)
37. Toward shelter
38. Sign of something about to happen
39. Health resort
41. Trial
42. Went
43. 100%
45. Fast planes
46. Helper
47. Greek goddess of the dawn
49. Curve
51. Before (prefix)
52. Floor covering
55. Apple computer (short form)
57. Single
60. Player piano
62. Black tropical American cuckoo
63. Stone: prefix
65. More uncommon
66. Cooking vessel
67. Change direction abruptly
68. Common sense
69. Declare
70. Whopper
71. Opposed to

1. Practice fights
2. Failure
3. Slender Brazilian palm
4. Afternoon social gatherings
5. Snakelike fish
6. Indian titles of respect
7. Without
8. Baron Munchausen's specialties
9. _ vera
10. Open wide
13. Wig
16. Undercover agent
17. Michaelmas daisies
20. Words to Nanette
26. Arguments over trivial matters
29. Egg locale
30. Arranges properly for use
31. Ancient Roman robe
32. Mine, in Marseilles
33. Ananias' fault
34. Contemptuous expression
36. Tax preparer (abbr.)
40. City in Syria
44. Australian parrot (variant)
48. Singe
50. 911 reaches them
52. Person of subnormal intelligence
53. Native American of Southwest Alaska
54. Tarsus (plural)
55. Atlas contents
56. Small Philippine buffalo
58. 1994 drama film starring Jodie Foster
59. Needle holder
61. Grandmother
64. To sift