Puzzles for Wed, Apr 8, 2015:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Wed, Apr 8, 2015

1. Otherwise
5. Begley and Asner
8. Pull behind
11. South Vietnam president (1954)
12. Vintage cars
14. Insect wing
15. At full speed
17. Chummy
18. Allow
19. Small, flat, pigmented spot on the skin
21. French article
22. Car dealer's back yard
23. Curvy letter
24. Infant locale
25. Teat (slang)
27. Snakelike fish
28. Nathan's nickname
31. Actor Lugosi
35. 54 in ancient Rome
37. Sudden quick movement
38. Lyric poems
39. Dreamland
41. Monthly bill
42. Prejudice
43. Armed conflict
45. At sea
46. Bristle
47. Atlas unit
49. Part of HMS, perhaps
51. _ moment's notice (2 wds.)
52. Followers of ems
55. A saturated hydrocarbon
57. Small child
60. Commissioned military rank
62. Soap unit
63. Take place subsequently
65. Before Barbara or Clara
66. Compass dir.
67. Rend
68. Thailand, formerly
69. Small amount or degree
70. Indian title of respect (Mr.)
71. Snakelike fish

1. Peak District village in England
2. Citrus fruits
3. Seines
4. Send forth
5. Epoch
6. Small valley
7. Not divided or shared with others
8. Baron Munchausen's specialties
9. Butter sub
10. Electrical Unit
13. System (abbr.)
16. "Death on the ____"
17. Cotton for raincoats, e.g.
20. Highlander
26. Kind of red light
29. Prong on a fork
30. Singer James
31. Moves up and down
32. Singer Brickell
33. Tough but pliablecoriaceous
34. Slender Brazilian palm
36. Solemn pledge
40. Break
44. Assign a rank or rating to
48. Baking dishes
50. Proofreading order
52. Bert's buddy
53. Relating to or accompanying birth
54. Criticizes harshly
55. Collude with
56. Nanny
58. Singles
59. Russian ruler of old
61. Relaxation
64. RI univ.