Puzzles for Wed, Jan 14, 2015:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Wed, Jan 14, 2015

1. White ___ sheet
4. Practice fight
8. Singer James
12. Delicate
14. 4th largest of the Great Lakes
15. Observes
16. "Beetle Bailey" pooch
17. Unrelated to defense, as in spending
20. SW Saudi Arabia district
21. Bear (Spanish)
22. Parent Teacher Assoc.
23. Moved through
27. Heavy book
29. Snake ____ (dice throw)
31. Washington bills
34. Rep
35. Lodging establishments
36. Brightly colored fish
39. Ocean
41. System (abbr.)
42. Cause heat under the collar
43. Spew [out]
46. Actor Lugosi
47. Western Nevada city
48. Lyric poems
51. Attaches a signature
54. Nonscientific branch of learning
56. From
58. Gumbo ingredient
61. Happening in regular succession
66. Passed on
67. Clement's nick name
68. Writer Wiesel
69. Inactive volcano in Sicily
70. Ooze
71. Cuts off
72. Title for a knight

1. Small Philippine buffalo
2. Arranges properly for use
3. Having gotten out of bed
4. Elected rep.
5. Adept person
6. The 18th letter of the Arabic alphabet
7. Do over again
8. Compass dir.
9. 3-inch nail
10. Trial
11. Toward the sea
13. Israeli folk dance
18. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)
19. Egg _ yung
24. Barrel
25. Sight organ
26. Habitations of wild animals
28. Wet
30. Guide
32. Followers of ems
33. Fast jet (abbr.)
34. Toward the future
36. Globe
37. Sliced dessert
38. One to whom something is allotted
40. Ancient Greek god of war
44. Corn or form start
45. Gear tooth
49. Newt
50. Indian title of respect (Mr.)
52. Thickened enlargement
53. Burlesque acts
54. Curves
55. Hero or heavy, e.g.
57. Baking chamber
59. Painter Guido (1575-1642)
60. The sixth month of the Jewish calendar
62. Electrical Unit
63. Biblical high priest
64. Mouth edge
65. It is so